Refund policy

Order cancellation or change

If you wish to cancel or to request a change in your order, please address your request at or DM me on social media as soon as possible with your order number. Please note that your request will be rejected if your order has been processed or shipped out.

Right of withdrawal (EU countries only)

Please refer to the section Returns of the page Delivery & Returns for more info on how to exercise your right of withdrawal.

If you choose to exercise that right, the refund will be issued in a period of 14 working days upon receipt of the returned goods through the same payment mode used to pay the order.

Missing or damaged item

Please send an e-mail to with your order number, the missing or damaged item and a picture if possible. The missing or damaged item will be sent to you as soon as possible. A partial refund will be offered if the item isn't available anymore.

Damaged package upon delivery

If your package is visibly damaged upon delivery or if you're not sure about its state:

France : Please follow instructions concerning damaged packages upon delivery on this page and send an e-mail to to inform us on the situation.

International : Refuse the damaged package and send an e-mail to to inform us on the situation.

The articles will be resent to you based on availability.

Lost package

Please check the progress of the delivery with the tracking number issued when the order was shipped out. Send to to inform us of the situation if you didn't receive your package within 10 working days after shipment for orders in France or 25 working days for International orders. The articles will be resent to you based on availability.